donderdag 18 december 2008

Ragged Wood

Before I start this post I would like to say thanks for all your lovely comments ♥♥♥
Due to personal circumstances I haven't exactly had a lot of time to blog but reading all your wonderful responses really cheers me up!

December picks:

Cozy warm winterwear

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Fleet Foxes:
discovered them only days ago but I already love love love their music!

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making wishlists for Paris:
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(repetto, the kooples, vanessa bruno athe)

Receiving awards:
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"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceeding charming.
These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut,
even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers!
Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more
and include this clever-written text into the body of their award."

anna karenina, jane and mirthe gave me this wonderful award! I'm terribly flattered and honoured! You really are too kind ♥

I want to pass it on to mettch, the-search-for-chic, margot, heart-in-a-cage and Robine!

In addition I got tagged by Ariella, thanks for that! Will answer that tag in a later post ;)

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And a special thanks to Mila for this pretty award <3

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25 opmerkingen:

notebookdoodles zei

congratulations on the awards!! you certainly deserve them. i love the last photo =)


Hannah zei

We have a Winter Wonderland in Edinburgh where I attend university. It's such a lovely idea and for once I feel slightly Christmasy!

Anoniem zei

chicky wist je dat die albumhoes van Fleet Foxes een afbeelding is van allemaal Nederlandse gezegden?

Anoniem zei

im LOVING fleet foxes at the moment!

Amy Williams zei

Those Repetto boots are amazing!

Unknown zei

take a look at our header!

Anoniem zei

I invite you to visit my blog, I think you'll like it,
kisses and greetings

Beba zei

i really hope everything is ok in your life.. <3

ma cherie thank you sooo much for the award. it s such an honour (: - i soon gonna post about it.
i cant wait to see a pic of you in these repetto bottines!!! ;)

lots of kisses (:

Anouk zei

i love the outfits.

S. zei

Aww.. thank you darling on the award I would give it back to you if I could! =)

When will you be in Paris? Perhaps we will be there at the same time? Just bumping into each other in St.Germain lol! =) love your Boot choices!

I tried to get that 'Chelsea type' is that what they are called? In my pair from ebay which did not work out...
I love how they look with skinny jeans.. I am really lacking boots for the winter..

I love your choices for what to look for in Paris they seem so 'you' you have such a light feminine french style.. and it seems to come so easy for you. I love those kooples boots but not sure whether I could pull them off.


Andrea Eames zei

Congratulations on the awards! And I hope things are cheering up a bit for the festive season.

A xx

Anoniem zei

fleet foxes are amazing, i just came across their songs a little while back now, also i'm ever so glad you are back.

danica zei

I've been listening to Fleet Foxes as well. They're perfect for this time of year.

Mónica zei

congrats on the awards;) and I adore Vannesa Bruno Athe line, everything looks good and is not so expensive

Ariella zei

Oh, you're going to Paris soon! I hope you have a lovely time, and that you manage to come home with at least one of the items on your Paris wishlist.
Fleet Foxes sound like a great band which I will definitely check out sometime soon.

I hope everything is okay with you, sweetie.

Kimberley Brandsma zei

Bedankt voor de tag!
Die dingen van je wishlist zijn moooi! Vooral die enkellaarsjes van The Kooples! Die wil ik zo graag. De laatste foto is trouwens ook mooi<3!

StickyKitten zei

oooh, that carnival picture is beautiful! hope you have a happy holiday!

Anoniem zei

the first and third outfits are beautiful. fleet foxes is wonderful too. the last picture of the carousel is gorgeous.

luyi zei

thanks for sharing the Cozy warm winterwear! You always have the best post!

Anoniem zei

fleet foxes are probably the best band in existence

Anoniem zei

Ho Mandy you are so sweet!, thank you so much for your card! it made my day! I also wish a wonderful christmas! love

Andrea Eames zei

Hello lovely! Just wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas - I hope you have a lovely day. :D

Andrea xx

Anoniem zei

congrats on the awards! :) merry christmas!

La C.

Anoniem zei

fleet foxes are amazing, and those boots are too cute. congratulations on the awards! xo maisie #1

roberta jane zei

I love Michelle Williams, Fleet Foxes, Paris and Your Blog!