vrijdag 27 juni 2008


An entry full of answers this time. And I wanted to thank everyone for the nice words! I will do a post about Amsterdam as soon as I get back.

Wat wil je later worden? :P (What do you want to become when you grow up? :p)
I’m not quite sure yet. I would love to work for the united nations, as a middle east expert. But becoming a journalist would be great too. I want to make a difference. There’s this jewish principle called tikkun olam that says you should leave the world a better place than you found it. I’m not Jewish but that is exactly what I intend to do. I would also like to mention that one day I would love to become a professor at a university or get involved with politics. But that’s of later concern.

Wat ben je van plan om te gaan studeren? (What do you plan on studying?)
Right now I’m planning on studying oriental languages and cultures, focusing on Arabic and Hebrew. But History is still an option. As is Filosophy.

Wat is jouw favoriete eten en drinken? (What's your favourite food/drink?)
Chinese food, definitely. I love bami and babi pangang. And cheese. I can never get enough of cheese. My favourite drink is orange juice. Not freshly squized though. It’s too sour for my taste.

Wat is op dit moment jouw favoriete kledingstuk? (What's your favorite piece of clothing atm?) My new navy blue blazer, it goes with almost anything

Wat is jouw favoriete collectie (op dit moment? Seizoen maakt niet uit. (What's your favourite fashion collection, season doesn't matter)
Stella McCartney S/S 08

Favoriete tvprogamma's? (Favourite televisionprograms?)
Law & Order Criminal Intent, Jericho, Will&Grace and 24. I used to be really into the original CSI series as well but after the 7th rerun I got sick of it. And I love documentaries. I love watching history channel, national geographic and travel channel.

Wat zijn jouw hobby's? (Hobbies?)
watch movies, read books, take photographs, fool around with my dog, travel

Heb je geheime interesses/fascinaties? (Do you have secret interests/fascinations)
Conspiracy theories, mysteries of any kind, cults, secret society's. I'm interested in most phenomena that are out of the ordinary. And chess. However strange that might sound.

I was wondering what you do these days. You wrote some time ago that you wanted to start university in the autumn. But what do you do now, work, study?
After what happened to my mother I had to cancel my job because I had to take care of her and help out at home. Right now I’m still busy doing exactly that so I haven’t really been thinking about getting a new job yet. Unfortunately because of the whole situation here at home I wasn’t able to get everything done in time for the exams. Which means I will have to wait another year before I can attend university. Obviously this has been a major disappointment to me and I have a hard time getting over that fact that it’s not my fault. But I will find a way to deal with it eventually, I always do. I am planning to do some travelling next year though. Most probably a trip to Paris to improve my french, and a traintrip across europe to visit the major cities.

Also (no need for an answer if it's too personal), I was wondering what you are like in reality. Are you outgoing, shy or something in the middle? Are you very social or like your own company?
I suppose I’m something in the middle. When I’m with people I don’t know very well I am a bit more reserved. I’m not the kind of girl that jumps on top of you saying how fabulous it is to meet you. But I will strike a conversation with a stranger if I feel like doing so. I just don’t feel the need to be the center of attention.
With people I am more accustomed to (at home or when I was still in school), I am really outgoing though. Rather opinionated and not afraid to speak my mind. I love making silly jokes and have everyone’s attention.
I used to think I was a very social person and that I needed the attention of friends and family to feel happy about myself but experience has taught me that I like being on my own as well. But being on my own does not always have to be in the most literal sense of the word. I love being alone while surrounded by others. Living in my own little bubble. I enjoy that more than being completely on my own.

What is your favourite movie?
As boring as it might sound, Amelie. But since there's no need to stick to just one movie, I'd like to mention a couple more. Like the Pianist, which is absolutely magnificent. Adrien Brody IS the pianist. He made that movie. Another one is Lost in Translation. that movie is so fascinating. I love the atmosphere, the chemistry between scarlet and bill, the humour (lodgaah moll) the apparently simple story that ends up captivating you in the most literal sense of the word. Pan’s labyrinth is a fantastic movie too. As is Sunshine, which is a whole other category. Growing up I never liked sf movies, but my mother was crazy about them. So I ended up watching so many of them, that I actually started liking them myself. Especially when they’re directed by Danny Boyle and have an original theme. And ok, Cillian Murphy’s presence isn’t too much of a downside either.

how would you feel without your blog?/what would you do instead of blogging?
I don’t know. I wouldn’t feel lost but I would miss having the possibility to share my idea of beauty with others. It’s probably some form of arrogance, thinking that whatever I think about something is relevant to others. But to be honest, if nobody would read my blog I would still enjoy documenting my taste.
I’d probably be keeping a diary if I couldn’t blog anymore. Which I used to do when I was younger. The period between my 12th and my 17th birthday is neetly documented on paper.

which is your most expensive fashion related buy?
I bought a pair of Prada heels during my first visit to London. They were 85 pounds, which was a 120 euro’s at that time. They’re made of pink satin.
And I once bought a pair of diesel jeans for 140 euros but I felt so bad about spending that much money on a pair of jeans I returned them the next day. Which was a HUGE mistake. They were perfect. And totally worth the money. The most stupid thing is that I didn’t even had to pay the full price for them. My mother offered to pay half. I’m such an idiot.

Who else do you love to read/want to read?
I love Russian, French and English literature as opposed to dutch literature which is predictive and boring. I have a weakness Dan Brown’s books. Especially the Bernini Mystery. And I love everything that was written by JD Salinger, Jonathan Safran Foer and Philippe Claudel.
I desperately want to finish Bulgakov’s the master and margarita. I’d love to read more of Oscar Wilde’s work. And Dostojevski. Tennessee Williams. 100 years of loneliness by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Paul Auster’s moon palace. And a while back I bought a bunch of classics that still need to be read as well ( the great Gatsby, wuthering heights and madame bovary,etc.)

Mijn vraag: hoe ziet je gezicht eruit? (what does your face look like?)

I hate the way my face looks on photographs, seriously, If I were to look like that in real life I would avoid mirrors at any cost. But I was able to find a pretty decent one from last summer ->click

Nog maar een vraag erachteraan: Hoe kom je aan de stijl die je nu hebt? Was je van kinds af aan al met mode etc. bezig of is het er langzaam ingeslopen? En heb je het gevoel voor mode en stijl een beetje van je ouders of geven die er niks om?(How did you develop your sense of style? Have you been interested in fashion ever since you were a kid or did it grow over time? Are your parents interested in fashion or do they not care at all?)
I never cared much for fashion when I was younger. My mother made most of my clothes. She pretty much had to since I was very tall and skinny for my age throughout my whole childhood and nothing would ever fit me properly. So you can imagine that looking fashionable was the least of my clothing related concerns. Not that I didn’t like clothes. I just didn’t care about looking a certain way. And I had horrible taste.
Things changed when I went to a different school. At first I was still caught up in my small town mentality of not caring about my clothes, but after a year or two I started to realise that dressing a certain way can make you actually feel better about yourself. I was 15 when I first bought a copy of Vogue Uk and asked my mother to switch my fancy subscription to an elle subscription. Which she did. And the experimenting commenced. I don’t think there’s a style I haven’t tried.
Now I’m back at the point where I once again don’t care that much about how others feel about my clothes. I’m mostly inspired by Parisian streetstyle and French actresses in general.
My mother likes clothes and loves to dress nice, but she doesn’t really care about fashion. She loves the way I dress though. At least, she says she does. My father couldn’t care less. Quelle surprise.

10 opmerkingen:

Héloïse J. zei

oh how cute you are with that lolli!!

it's kind of fullfilling when you come to know a little better people you read constantly.

i'm wishing you all the best on your future plans dear.


Mettch zei

^i agree, lovely to get to know YOU better :) btw, we share the exact same favorite movies!

Anoniem zei

i love how much thought you put into answering these questions. you are an absolutely lovely person :)

Lana zei

Super post, en mijn vraagje staat er ook in, thanks for answering!
Jammer dat je dit jaar niet kon beginnen met studeren, maar een tripje naar Parijs en een treintocht door Europe sounds really good!

María zei

So glad to know more about you. And don't worry about uni, you're still very young to do whatever you want ;)

loveology zei

Heeeel erg leuk om te lezen.
Ik herken altijd veel van wat je zegt en hoe je praat....grappig. ;)

S. zei

You are so adorable.


Laurel zei

Love, thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes! Yesterday was alot of fun with my parents, super refreshing.

Yay! Someone who also reads Jonathan Safran Foer - isn't he a phenomenal author? AH, I just love Everything is Illuminated. Definitely my favorite of his.

Hope you're well, beautiful. Speak soon, okay? xox

Ariella zei

It's great to now have a face to put to your writings, and to feel like I know you better. Anyway, I think you look very sweet, and it was lovely reading your answers.
I hope that everything will soon be a bit easier at home so that you will have time to focus on what you want!

mmr zei

thanks for your lovely responses!