donderdag 13 november 2008

Miss Brightside

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Do you know the feeling of how sometimes everything in life seems to be going your way? Having a general feeling of being ok taking over? When little things start making you happy again? Well, whether you do or don't -and I hope everyone does-, it's a great feeling. It really is.

And some of those little things that do the trick are Gia Coppola's photographs, a last name that seems to be synonymous to endless visual talent.

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To my utter joy, our trip to Paris is finally booked! So I made this collage of my favourite flickr photographs of Paris, just to get in the Parisian mood:

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1. Paris, 2. moulinrouge, 3. Paris!, 4. Sacre Coeur, 5. itookthisinparis, 6. les enfants de paris 02, 7. Moulin Rouge, 8. Untitled, 9. Untitled
And look what I got in the mail! Isn't it pretty? ;) I must sound like a silly fangirl by now, but seriously, this is going to be the best concert I've ever been to, I can just feel it!
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35 opmerkingen:

Jane zei

oh i love that feeling :)

Anoniem zei

I love too this feeling...
yes, Coppola seems to be talent and crative synonymous...
Kings of Leon!!yeah you're so lucky !

poeta fit, non nascitur zei

when i get that feeling i tend to get really nervous because i know that anything less than what's making me happy will disappoint me and ruin it.

so lovely you're going to paris. awaiting tons of pictures!

July Stars zei

The perfect post: I love the Gia pictures, my parents live in Paris and I'm a massive Kings of Leon fan ... Happiness

María zei

I am getting that feeling lately, which is relieving after a bad period.

Gia is very good at what she does. Plus she also has a great sense of style! ;)

Anoniem zei

Ohh wat ben ik jaloers dat jij een kaartje hebt voor het kings of leon concert !!!
Ik zal mij geluk op marktplaats proberen te vinden maar anders heeel veel plezier en je MOET photos op je blog zetten van het concert ;-)

AlicePleasance zei

Beautiful photos and yay for Paris!

Beba zei

awww i'm so happy for you!!!! beautiful pics once more ;)

you must be really excited about kol! that's really great (:
i booked to see lykke li on the 28th! and i cant cant wait :P

a+ cherie

*tell me plz how can i do the ♥- cause i keep pasting it! hehe!!!!

loveology zei

Ik ben echt heel blij voor je dat je je zo goed voelt en dat je lbij bent. Dat maakt mij ook wat blijer... ;)

Ik spreek je snel, liefje.

Supermooie post weer!


Amy Williams zei

King Of leon!!
I am so so jealous, that really is going to be one amazing concert!

young-shields zei

I've seen kings of leon! it was fantastique. And, as you know, i think Paris is the best.

y-s x

Kimberley Brandsma zei

Erg mooie foto's!<3

Andrea Eames zei

Gorgeous pictures - and how exciting that you've booked your tickets, that's fantastic!

Lana zei

wat een supermooie foto's van sofia! ze weet het gevoel echt heel goed vast te leggen! nummer 1 en 4 zijn favoriet!

danica zei

These images are too beautiful xo

P.S I am so envious of your Paris trip :)

Anoniem zei

Fantastic story you write well precious congratulations, you are a faithful reader, fantastic illustrations, thank you very much for the post left to us.
Receive a warm greeting.

Dominique zei

Wat een prahtige post! <3

Ariella zei

Wonderful photography. I'm always so amazed at how you come across all of them.
And I'm sure I've said it before, but it's so fabulous that you're going to Paris. I've been there once, and it was fantastic.

Anoniem zei

Just a little comment, cause I really like your blog, and the photographs posted are always beautiful. Have a good week end.

discotheque confusion zei

kings of leon and paris?


Linnéa zei

OMG! love the photo by Gia Coppola, and have a nice trip to Paris!!!

Jillian Hobbs zei

aaah i am so jealous of
going to kings of leon! damn u! haha


Hannah zei

Oh I love those photos by Gia Coppola! Makes me wish summer was here again..

Pecos Blue zei

I am GREEN. That is wonderful


Pretty blog!

styledigger zei

I love that feeling too:) Great photos!

StickyKitten zei

WOW! you are so lucky-have fun at Kings Of Leon!!!

Wild Keiki zei

Ohhh Paris, you are so lucky!
All of these photos are enchanting, dear.

Hope you are well,

Joy zei

i have missed your blog so much! just spent an hour catching up on all your old posts. i'm going to start a new blog as soon as i finish with all my crazy academic commitments-- will let you know how it goes.

enjoy paris! some of my best friends are there now studying. and as for kings of leon, i watched them in concert last year and they are great live. i could listen to them all day.

fashionslacker zei

im so jealous of your kings of leon ticket! i want to go!!

Anoniem zei

sweeet, enjoy the concert!! oh, and i guess paris will be quite swell as well ;)

Anoniem zei

AMAZING posts! great blog!<3

Fashion Tidbits zei

can't wait to see some PARIS pictures!!!

Laceey zei

Your so lucky! I wanted to go see them so bad when they came to detroit, but I waited to long and they ran out of tickets.

Laceey zei

And when I say "your" I mean to say "You're".