woensdag 22 oktober 2008

This place is a Zoo part 2.

Just a short post today. I've been pretty busy lately, hence the lack of blog activity. I'll try to make up for that soon though!

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The weather was so lovely this weekend, I simply couldn't stay in. So I decided to go to the zoo. Took a bunch of photographs there. And then took some more when I came home:

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I got very excited yesterday when I received an envelope from APC. Not only did it contain their winter catalogue but also the most amazing poster. It's so nice, I can't wait to put it on my wall! Will post a picture of that later!

And once again, some new favourites:

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1. the birds., 2. Untitled, 3. it's a bird! it's a plane!, 4. Untitled, 5. Carnations I, 6. give me a mountain paradise, 7. j, 8. portugal2, 9. in mind, 10. all alright.., 11. spöken, 12. i want to name them ~ one is definitely shirley, 13. Nothing to Say, 14. flight, 15. Untitled, 16. 8 a.m., 17. Untitled, 18. frompaulette, 19. I think this may be my favorite..., 20. he is searching

17 opmerkingen:

Beba zei

oh how i love the zebra polaroid. it's magnificent!

goodmorning (:

i'm so busy too but so hard to concentrate :/

Cupcakes and Cashmere zei

the shot of the zebras is my fav!

discotheque confusion zei

oh yeah, i got that APC catalogue too; the poster is great; the writing is just like the type on the front of that i-D cover with Sasha (shot by Emma Summerton..)

I really want to go to the zoo now!

Ariella zei

Lovely photos. I wish I lived close to a zoo because I can never get enough of them :)

Did the APC catalogue cost anything?

loveology zei



Wild Keiki zei

So much fun! I remember that about five years ago I was in such a terrible mood, so I skipped school and found myself in the zoo in central park. And then I did the same thing last year! Zoos are good for things like that.

Hope you're well, dear.

Julie zei

your blog is gorgeous and your photos are phenomenal!

Charlotte zei

wow, i love your blog loats and forever.

i tagged you with the happy tag.

Anoniem zei

polaroids are so much fun!!

Anoniem zei

the picture with the coloured cookies is so cute and the one of the zebra is just amazing, I'm saving it.

Linnéa zei

Beautiful photos! (have a soft spot for sepia-ish pictures ;P)

Anoniem zei

i want a zebra!

Anoniem zei

such lovely photos!

La C

soul zei

hi. great blog. love the song! cat power is amazing.


Saskia zei

Hee jij zat toch ook in het 5 piece French Garderobe topic? Weet jij waar die is gebleven? xx

Charlotte zei

that's ok, i can't wait to hear your answers. you have such an inspirational mind, and am so thrilled that you let us in on it.

Michelle zei

great flickr pics, inspiring!